New version 5.8.1 of OrganiZator

It is available for download the version 5.8.1 of OrganiZator.  Recall that in you can get a detail on how to upgrade from previous versions.  The new version corrects some errors and inconsistencies which mainly affect the user interface.

* Fixed a problem in the Frame Holder of dBase, that sometimes not properly refresh that window, especially when the object showed is a document. PDF, WORD, etc.

* Fixed a possible problem of memory loss in the process of reload the image of the Frame Holder of dBase.

* Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented to work properly the option “Open image in new window” of the Frame Holder of dBase.

* The “Rebuild & Squeeze” option of the main window, now reports the space freed (unused dBase space returned to the System).

* Fixed a bug in the option “Delete all this content” in the Frame Holder who not erase all items if previously has been deleted or changed an item.

* Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented work correctly the option  “Import files from directory” in the Frame Holder of dBase.

* Fixed a bug that in certain circumstances prevented to show correctly some windows in the scheduler.

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