New version 6.2.0 of OrganiZATOR

It is available for download the version 6.2.0 of OrganiZator.  As always, please consult the details of the update process in

It has been added the possibility to search for items in dBase by date of creation or modification.

* It has been included the ability to import content from a file in the Note field, in some cases where it was not possible. For example, in the creation of new items of dBase.

* If Internet connection is available, the application checks whether the user is using the latest version of the executable and alerts if any new (only once a day).

* The dBase user’s interface has been improved, with regard to vision and movement of the main windows (upstairs) and links (downstairs).

* Included automatic conversion to dBase version 5.4.0 from previous versions 5.3.0 and 5.2.0.

* The capacity of extended fields of dBase has been expanded. Now everyone has a maximum length of 260 characters.

* The user interface has been improved; now properly display the dBase Extended Data with some screen resolutions that previously did not display correctly.

* Fixed a bug that did not update correctly the creation-date when importing items in dBase from an external file or from the Windows’s clipboard.

* Fixed a bug that occurs when quit the application while a search process was running.

* Removed an annoying flicker that occurs in some screens with Windows 7.

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