Archive for November, 2008

New version 5.6.7

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

It is available for download the version 5.6.7 of OrganiZator

Note: see how upgrade from a previous version in

* This version resolves an error occurred while editing a item from the lower windows -of links- in dBase, when the represented link is a member -line- of a Logger.

* Fixed a fatal error -not recoverable- which occurred when trying to select as the source of an link a item of a Logger whose Description field is empty (has no content).

* The routine to Check the dBase Integrity has been enhanced.

* In the dialog box Creation/Modification of items of dBase, we have included two new buttons: [Now] and [Now ss] that allow the current date and time with and without seconds -formats YYYY-MM-DD hh: mm and YYYY-MM-DD hh: mm:ss-. The new buttons can be useful for those who use Zator as a record of events that require further discrimination that the plain date -year, month, day- of the event.

* The toolbar of dBase have included two new buttons: “Previous in Group” and “Next in group“, who let you change the currently selected item in the main -top- window. These buttons are particularly useful when is selected the views of Extended Data or Results, and the user want to move to the next/previous item in the group without having to return to the main view.