Under certain circumstances, occurs an error when *modifyng* Extended data in the dBase, in which is not updated the field of current item (which supposedly is currently being changed), but the field of another item. At the moment there is no turnaround to avoid it, therefore we strongly advise not to use this option until is available the corresponding patch (soon).
Archive for January, 2008
Critical error in version 5.3.2
Thursday, January 31st, 2008Bug in version 5.3.2
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008The first time you create an item in “Work Areas”, “Command Catalog” and “Messaging Addresses” (“Configuration” options on the main screen), when there is not a prior item and the dialog box appears empty, an error occurs: “Error in addItmÂ… method.” It is actually a false error that does not prevent the element be created correctly. This false alert not reappear in successive occasions when there is some item created already.
New version 5.3.2
Saturday, January 26th, 2008This version corrects an error in the context menus of the upper windows of dBase that does not allow the creation of new accoun entrys. The bug affects the versions 5.3.0 and 5.3.1.
New version 5.3.1
Saturday, January 26th, 2008The new version corrects the problems found in the previous version 3.5.0.
Trouble with the listings in version 5.3.0
Friday, January 25th, 2008Apart from the print of Note/Memo and Logbook fields, the listings in dBases of external areas do not function properly (the options Print this item, Print this hierarchy and Print this group). Note that the problem *not* affect the listings in the Scheduler, which operate correctly in any area.
At the moment there is no workaround to bypass it. We are working on an update, which we hope will be ready soon, to correct the problem.
Bug in the 5.3 version
Thursday, January 24th, 2008By accessing as superUser to create/modify data in the Work Areas, Commands catalog or Messaging addresses, an error occurs: “SQL error: out of memory” (visible in the third window on the status line of the main window) not allowing to see the data in the corresponding window.
In the meantime of a new version can be uploaded with the corresponding patch, you can use the following workaround: before moving to the appropriate option in the Configuration menu of the main window, access to the dBase (after this first access that window may be closed). Then you can access the options Work Areas, Command catalog and Messaging addresses without the aforementioned error.